
The work is based on the data of field studies carried out by the route method during 2017–2018 within the ad-ministrative boundaries of Yanaul city (Republic of Bashkortostan). According to research results, the flora of Yanaul includes 485 species of vascular plants from 286 genera and 81 families; 174 species are adventive, of which 38 can be classified as invasive and potentially invasive species. Among the most aggressive invasive species are Acer negundo, Echinocystis lobata, Elodea canadensis, Heracleum sosnowskyi, Hordeum jubatum, Lupinus polyphyllus, Xanthium album. Also, large areas within the city are occupied by an invasive species Soli-dago gigantea. 1 relict species (Campanula trachelium) was recorded, growing in the preserved areas with natu-ral vegetation. For each species, the attachment to certain habitats and the frequency of occurrence are given. For adventive species, information on the time, way of invasion and degree of naturalization are indicated. For inva-sive species, their status is indicated.

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