
戴维•赫尔曼作为西方“后经典叙事学”的领军人物,在叙事学界拥有很高声誉与重要影响。他主编的《叙事理论与认知科学》一书进一步丰富完善了“后经典叙事学”的研究。该书以跨学科性为特色,将经典叙事学理论与认知科学结合起来,探讨了“认知叙事学”的各种问题。赫尔曼在书中收录了该学科不同专家的12篇重要文章。分别以读者或故事本身为出发点来探讨叙事与认知的关系。本文不仅从整体出发对该书成书原因、布局结构,理论基础与框架等做了评介,更在此基础上对每篇文章的核心观点与内容做了阐发,以使读者对“认知叙事学”这一新的学科有更加深入的理解与把握。 As the forerunner and the leading figure in the field of postclassical narratology, David Herman enjoys a prestigious and reputable position in the academic circle. Narrative Theory and the Cognitive Sciences edited by him poses as an excellent addition to and perfects further the theoretical studies of postclassical narratology. Characterized most importantly by its interdisciplinarity, this book combines classical narratology with cognitive science, and based on them, establishes a new discipline, cognitive narratology. 12 articles from different authors are included in this book, all of which, in general, centered upon reader or story itself aim to discuss mainly the interactions between narrative and cognition. The present paper firstly gives an introduction to the composition background, structure and theoretical framework, then comments on the core ideas and content, in order to pave the way for more the advanced studies of the book.

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