
In the article authorial points about specificity of evaluation the investment attractiveness of pharmaceutical enterprises, because they are the producer of socially meaningful products and must support national safety of country at the sphere of health protection. The purpose of the research is an exposure of features the evaluation of investment attractiveness the pharmaceutical enterprises and improvement of methodology its determination. The object of the research The process of evaluation the investment attractiveness comes forward as an object of the research. The methods of the research. Methods and principles of scientific cognition, general and special methods are became methodological basis of research, that used for the ground of expediency the determination of specificity the evaluation of investment attractiveness the enterprises of pharmaceutical industry. The hypothesis of the research. In the basic hypothesis of research are became supposition, that the production of pharmaceutical enterprises must be oriented on the modern problems of health protection, that confessed in the world, like a diminishing the level of death rate, maintenance of prophylactic treatment the population and lengthening of life-span the population. The statement of basic materials. It is underline, that in the conditions of limitation the financial resources in activity of local pharmaceutical enterprises are need to updating the system of the financial adjusting in a country and to take at attention all financial means, what have enterprises like tax deductions and others. On the same requirements are recommended the grounding of estimation the investment attractiveness, in the basis of which are founding the rating comparisons of the certain system of indicators and also is calculating the complex index, what is determined as a sum of the self-weighted representative coefficients, that characterize the different aspects of effective activity and firmness of enterprise financial state. The originality and practical significance of the research. The used methodical points to evaluation of investment attractiveness have the wide applied aspect of application in other industries of national economy and also are original, because it’s using in the conditions of activity the pharmaceutical industry. Conclusions and perspectives of further research. The conducted research are lead the possibility to foresee situations, when can decline the level of investment attractiveness of pharmaceutical enterprises, to find negative factors of influence on the level of investment attractiveness, that characterize profitability, presence of property asset for further investments and decides for the improvement of management of enterprises the other industries of investment attractiveness Ukraine economy.

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