
The authors present the experience of obtaining various types of digital elevation models on the territory of the Republic of Mordovia based on using GIS and geoinformation technologies. The possibilities of operative creating a series of derivative thematic geoinformation and cartographic models of several most important morphometric relief indicators characterizing the objects’ shape and structure are considered. The features of digital simulation based on triangulation irregular network (TIN) using Delaunay triangulation are shown in details. The matter of the resulting relief-TIN-models evaluation is analyzed. The features of the technique, the technological sequence of creation and examples of various options for DEM and derived geoinformation-cartographic materials of a number of territories of the Republic of Mordovia (Temnikovsky and Bolsheignatsky administrative regions, as well as Vindrey River Basin) using the capabilities of various software – the software package of scientific and engineering graphics Surfer and GIS ArcGIS are considered. The directions and possibilities of further theoretical and applied using various DEM variants and information obtained basing on geoinformational mapping and modeling the relief, are determined, especially in assessing the risk of emergency situations.

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