
Passive harmonic filters are an efficient means for correcting the power factor and suppressing higher harmonic components generated by nonlinear loads. Asarule, suchfilterconsistsofafewnarrow-band sections tuned for the frequencies of the most powerful odd harmonic components in the load current spectrum. One of passive filter draw backsis that these filters form high Q-factor parallel resonance loops with the network inductance. This circumstance may entail amplification of non-characteristicharmonic components generated by multiphase nonlinear loads. A method for designing arbitrary-order wide-band filters (WBF) implementing the specified input impedance frequency responses isconsidered. The problem of designing a WBF is considered as the problem of constructing a resistively loaded LC two-port implementing the specified input impedance frequency response. The proposed method isbasedon minimizing an objective function in the space of filter reactive components’ values.

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