
The pandemic, which began in 2020, has seriously exacerbated the problem of food security in many countries. The purpose of the research is to identify the main factors of the stability of the agro-industrial complex using the example of one of the Russian regions and to consider the possibility of applying the accumulated experience in other subjects of the Federation. The object of the study is the Republic of Mordovia, a relatively small Volga region, located in the zone of risky farming and consistently demonstrating high rates of agricultural production. The region produces 1.2% of the total volume of agricultural products while its area is 0.2% and a population is 0.54% of the values of these indicators in the country. The study used data from Rosstat, proceedings from authoritative international organizations. One of the main factors for the stability of the regional agri-food complex is the high proportion of agricultural organizations, which is significantly higher than the national average. However, the cultivation of potatoes and vegetables is mainly concentrated in personal subsidiary plots, therefore, along with the implementation of an agricultural policy aimed at the development of large-scale agro-industrial production, it is necessary to organize the purchase of products from the population. This will help raise the living standards of villagers and stabilize the demographic situation. Another factor in the sustainable development of agriculture in Mordovia is the correct choice of intra-industry specialization. The leading industry is animal husbandry, the success of which is largely ensured by the dynamic development of poultry farming: the region accounts for 3.6% of the poultry population in agricultural organizations of the Russian Federation, Mordovia ranks 10th in the country in the production of eggs in agricultural organizations. The current demographic situation poses a potential threat to the development of the agricultural sector. If in Russia 1990-2018 the number of rural residents decreased by 4%, while in the Republic of Mordovia - by more than 30%. Therefore, the priority task of the social and economic policy of Mordovia should be the preservation of the rural population and the creation of conditions for attracting and fixing migrants in the region

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