
Abstract The article deals with folk superstitions (predictions, beliefs) common in Russian society, and the corresponding stereotypical expressions, such as: Кончик носа чешется - в рюмку смотреть; Не ешь с ножа - сердитым будешь; Через порог не здороваются; (when starting a journey) Присядем на дорожку, etc. The authors show that these expressions are used with a special phatic function: their purpose is to neutralize, to smooth the effects of an uncomfortable situation (something was broken, someone took somebody for someone else, someone hiccupped, any other unpleasant happening, etc.). Therefore, these folk expressions serve as sociolinguistic factors, optimizing the course of a dialogue. The author also gives examples of the “new” superstitions that imitate already known models and that were created with a special game purpose (like Ходить на работу - к деньгам). Examples from Russian fiction and Internet sources are provided. The facts of Russian discourse are compared with the examples from the Czech language and the national specificity of the superstitions is discussed in the article.

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