
The article presents the results of observations of the onset of phenological phases in representatives of the genus Rosa L. in the conditions of the European North. Roses are widely used in landscaping of settlements as ornamental, medicinal and fruit plants. The research was carried out in the Dendrological Garden named after I.M. Stratonovich (Arkhangelsk). Objects of research are plants of the genus Rosa L.: R. pendulina L., R. majalis Herrm., R. laxa Retz., R. spinosissima L., R. rugosa Thunb., R. × hybrida, R. glauca Pourett. The European group of geographical origin accounts for 45% of the studied species, the Asian and Far-Eastern – 27% each. The introduced species are the first to bloom in the European North (late 2nd decade of June): R. × hybrida, R. rugosa, R. rugosa ‘Plena’ and R. spinosissima ‘Plena’. R. majalis, R. spinosissima, R. pendulina are distinguished by abundant flowering (flowering score – 5). Fruit ripening begins at the end of August in R. rugosa ‘Plena’ and continues until the 3rd decade of September in R. glauca. The fruits hang on the shoots until mid-winter. The most abundant fruiting (4 points) in the conditions of Arkhangelsk is observed in R. majalis, R. spinosissima and R. pendulina; the minimum fruiting score (2 points) is assigned to R. glauca and R. rugosa ‘Plena’.

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