
The study was carried out on the territory of the south-western segment of the Russian Plain in 2003–2020, so this research made it possible to identify a number of patterns typical for the process of natural recovery of pine forests (Pinus sylvestris L.). In particular, the obtained data indicate that population surges within the boundaries of the semiarid zone of the plain correlate with the climatic features of the region and are connected with the processes of Atlantic cyclonicity. The trail of the population surge, characteristic to steppe pine forests, is traced in the zone of coniferous-deciduous forests and on the southern borders of the plain, in the forest-steppe foothills of Crimea. The researchers confirmed the homogeneity of circulation processes and the course of the main climatic indicators. It is supposed to be one of the most probable reasons for the synchronicity of bursts of recovery on the vast territory of the south-western segment of the Russian Plain. Periodic repetitive population surges are aimed at restoration of the lost living space of pine forests. Autoregulation of the structure of undergrowth cenopopulations in accordance with the capacity of the renewal niche and a variety of ecological conditions allows each subsequent wave of renewal to master all potentially possible niches of the pine population space and is the basis for improving the structure and stability of the population.

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