
The performance of online advertising can be measured in various ways, but there is a lack of an integrated approach to it. In this study, we developed a model that can integrate various performance indices of online advertising by applying the concept of efficiency. In particularly, DEA(Data Envelopment Analysis) CCR-SE model with two input indices(CPM: Cost Per Mille, CPC: Cost Per Click) and two output indices(IMP: Impression, CTR: Click Through Ratio) was employed. In order to verify suggested model, the super-efficiency index was calculated with 22 samples of portable fan advertisement from ‘P’ corporation, and the difference in the super-efficiency index among advertising media channels and contents was statistically compared using the Kruskal-Wallis H test.BR In the result, there was a significant difference in the super-efficiency index among the advertising media channels and the contents. This result shows that the suggested model can integrate various performance indices to support rapid and objective advertising execution decisions. Furthermore, the suggested model can provide practical guidelines on which content is effective for a particular media channel.

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