
Purpose: This article has two aims: 1) to develop a quantitative methodology to select prominent climate ODA sectors and 2) to purpose climate-technology based ODA strategies for the selected sectors. Originality: Although climate ODA is the only area that international regimes require technology transfer to the developing world, a methodology for planning climate technology based ODA strategies has not been fully formalized. Considering the fact that the technology cooperation may include diverse types of aid projects such as capacity building, strengthening regulatory environment and the diffusion of technologies, the methodological approach to plan the climate technology-based ODA strategies may contribute to promoting effectiveness of the ODA sectoral programs. Methodology: To select prominent sectors of climate ODA, three evaluation criteria are used. First, the relevance criteria are measured whether the donor country has ever implemented climate-financed projects since 2015 or the recipient country has stated their climate-technology demand to the technology need assessment reports. The efficiency criteria are estimated by the degree of financial resource concentration and by the inclusion to the 2020-2024 national plan. Lastly, using SDGs panel data that covers 190 countries from 1990-2020, the vulnerability is measured by comparing the country’s GDP predicted values of SDGs, which are estimated by the fixed-effect coefficient, to its actual values of SDGs. Result: The results show that the most prominent sectors of climate ODA are water management and rural development. However, for the middle income countries in South Asia and Eurasia region, urban development is gradually emerged as a new prominent sector. Focused on these selected sectors of climate ODA, this study also suggests specific ODA strategies by matching Korea’s promising climate technologies in terms of technology maturity and commercialization with the technologies that recipient countries need. Conclusions and Implication: This article’s approach of climate ODA strategies may lead recipient countries to foster the enabling environment to develop, adopt and commercialize the climate technologies, which effectively contribute to promoting sustainable and climate-resilient development.

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