
In the low latitudes, three species of the family Mullidae possess an extended spawning period associated with continuous development of new batches of mature oocytes. This spawning mode increases a probability of survival of the progeny in the conditions of local variation of abiotic and biotic environment. Oogenesis of the three species is described. Sexually mature females of P. multifasciatus are characterized by continuous recruitment of oocytes from reserve fund. In Nha Trang Bay, females of U. tragula, most likely, are capable to reproduction during each season of the year, but spawning interruptions are registered in all (or a part) of individuals. During these interruptions, ovaries are at maturity stage II. In North Vietnam (Halong Bay), the spawning of U. tragula and U. margarethae is absent during winter season. In the three species, the biological parameters have been assessed including body length at the first sexual maturation, batch fecundity, etc. In the studied species, a part of the females (15-20%) are characterized by abnormal development of sex cells that can be connected with the effect of anthropogenic factors.

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