
Keywords: Mentha L., Mentha arvensis L., Mentha longifolia L., morphological, macroscopic and microscopic features. Background. The medicine in Ukraine widely uses peppermint leaves and their hybrids as vegetable raw materials. The fieldmint, Mentha arvensis L., and horsemint, Mentha longifolia L., are ofscientific interest. They are wide spread in Ukraine, resistant to disease, have a significant raw material base. The aim of the study. Identification of the main interspecific differences between field and long-leaf mint or horsemint and peppermint. Materials and methods of research. The morphological examination was performed on live and dried plant samples. The anatomical structure was established on the preparations from the surface. The Micromed XS 2610 biological microscope with magnification from (x10) to (x100) was used to study the anatomical and diagnostic features. Results and discussion. Representatives of the genus Mentha L. have both common and distinctive features. The pube scence, the nature of the margin, and the ratio of the length of the teeth to the calyx tube are different and canbe a diagnosticsign in identifying different types of mint in culture and in the wild. In field mint, the teeth are broadly triangular, obtuse, 3 times shorter than the tube, in horsemint, the teeth are linear-pointed, almost equalin length to the tube. The shape, size, base, edge and top of the leaf blade differed. Thus, in field mint form is ovoidoroblong- elliptical, the base is round, coreorwedge-shaped, the edge is serrated, the tip is sharp, the surface is bare, in long-leaved mint - oblongovoid, rounded, unevenly to othed, sharp, pubescent, respectively. According to the results of microscopican alysis, it was found that in the field mint on the edge of the leaf blade are simple 1-6 cellhairs; numerous 4-6 cellhairs are observed on the entire surface of the leaf blade, including veins. Horsemint has unicellular papillary hairs allover the leaf surface. Clusters of simple 1-4 cell hairs are observed along the edge of the leaf, simple hairs in long-leaved mint are much smaller than in other types of mint. Conclusions. Morphological and anatomical studies of plants of the genus Mentha L.: mint and mint have identified the main morphological specific features that will allow their identification.

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