
Yellow alfalfa (Medicago falcate L.) is important for feed production in the Central Chernozem region. It can be successfully cultivated in fodder, field and grassland crop rotations, as well as in hayfields and pastures. For the fullest realization of the potential of yellow alfalfa, it is necessary to create varieties adapted to the soil and climatic conditions of the region. The limiting factor of the effective economic use of yellow alfalfa in the Central Chernozem region of Russia is the insufficient number of zoned varieties. The zoned alfalfa varieties that exist today do not fully meet the requirements of modern feed production and the tasks of breeding new varieties with a complex of economically valuable signs and properties in conditions of insufficient moisture are becoming urgent. The created varieties should be drought-resistant, with a deep root system, capable of forming a high feed mass and a stable seed yield. Earlier, a highly productive variety of yellow alfalfa Pavlovskaya 7 was created at the Voronezh experimental station. The Pavlovskaya 7 variety is characterized by high resistance to fungal diseases and mycoplasmosis, drought resistance, long (up to 12 years) productive longevity. Breeding work is being carried out at the Voronezh experimental station to breed new varieties of yellow alfalfa. Currently, a new variety of yellow alfalfa has been created and is being prepared for transfer, characterized by increased feed and seed productivity, resistance to mycoplasmosis.

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