
In the work of Vladimir Soloviev (1853–1900), especially during his first philosophical period, the parallels with the tradition of Neoplatonism have been examined by several researchers. However, the role that specific neoplatonic concepts of Proclean philosophy played for Soloviev’s philosophical development, should be examined in more details. The method I follow here is a comparative analysis between three works of Proclus (The of Elements of Theology [Στοιχείωσις θεολογική], Commentary on Alcibiades I [Σχόλια εἰς τον Ἀλκιβιάδην], Commentary on Timaeus [Σχόλια εἰς Τίμαιον]) and La Sophia and Smysl Lyubvi written by Vladimir Soloviev. Moreover, I focus on the only source that we have where Soloviev mentions explicitly to the main concepts of Proclean philosophy. The above methods are proposed in order to analyse crucial concepts in Soloviev’s philosophy: love, cosmic unity, and World Soul.

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