
At the moment, the ruderal vegetation of Salavat town (Bashkortostan Republic) (classes Bidentetea tripartitae, Stellarietea mediae and Artemisietea vulgaris) is presented by 20 associations, 3 subassociations, 2 variants, 4 communities (2 derivate and 1 basal) belonging to 7 alliances and 6 orders. High variety of natural and synantrope vegetation is caused by heterogeneity of landscapes within city territory and different degree of anthropogenic impact. A characteristics of synantrope urban vegetation is a presence and increasing of distribution of the monodominant plant communities formed as a result of invasion of aggressive neophytes (derivate communities Bidens frondosa [Bidentetea tripartitae/Stellarietea mediae], Galinsoga parviflora [Stellarietea mediae] and associations Ambrosietum trifidae, Ivaetum xanthiifoliae). Unlike other types of natural and seminatural vegetation, the ruderal vegetation occupies the biggest areas of Salavat town.

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