
Nucleic acid staining dyes are necessary for the visualization of DNA bands in agarose gel electrophoresis. The conventional staining method follows a post-staining protocol that follows gel electrophoresis; pre-cast staining is used as a convenient alternative. Pre-load staining is another method in which a staining dye is added to the 6X loading buffer, and not in the agarose gel. Pre-load staining is simple and time-saving; however, it could alter the mobility of DNA bands within the same gel. In this study, the mobility alteration owing to the use of commercial pre-mixed loading buffers, such as Midori Green Direct, GRGreen DNA loading buffer, and ENVISION DNA dye loading buffer, were evaluated. Lab-prepared 6X loading buffer containing 250X GelRed®dye did not alter the mobility under various experimental conditions. Similarly, 6X loading buffer containing Shinystar and EcodyeTMdid not affect mobility. In conclusion, pre-load staining method is a convenient and practical staining method for routine gel electrophoresis; lab-made 6X loading buffer containing 250X GelRed®could be used for pre-load staining.

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