
Our research goal was to examine health risk perception and adherence to vaccination against COVID-19 among various social and demographic population groups in Belarus. To achieve this goal, a cross-sectional study was accomplished via using an online poll. The obtained results reveal that perception of health risks caused by COVID-19 is quite significant among people living in Belarus since only 9.9 % of the questioned do not consider COVID-19 a dangerous disease. Higher levels of risk perception have been detected among medical personnel, older age groups, and people with chronic pathologies. Most respondents believe vaccination is among the most efficient anti-COVID-19 measures; however, people are rather poorly aware about provided opportunities to get vaccinated. 33.6 % among respondents who are not vaccinated don’t plan to do it with; their basic reasons for this refusal are lack of trust, both in vaccines being safe and efficient and overall trust in preparations suggested for vaccination. Having analyzed answers given by respondents who were medical workers we revealed that a greater share of them were vaccinated but reasons for refusing from vaccination were the same. 20.1 % respondents from all groups and 21.2 % medical workers who took part in the questioning stated that they needed additional information about vaccination. When developing communication strategies aimed at raising awareness among population, we should bear in mind that lower perception of COVID-19-related health risks and refusal from vaccination are more widely spread among people younger than 40; people who don’t have higher education; people with minor children in their families. Prevalence of lower COVID-19-related health risk perception is also greater among men; people who don’t live in the capital; people with eld- erly relatives in their families. Internet resources, data provided by the WHO and Public Healthcare Ministry, and medical personnel are considered the most reliable sources of information by population in Belarus.

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