
The article deals with the problems that arose during the pandemic of a new disease on a global scale. Before the outbreak of a new infection in the Chinese province of Wuhan in December 2019, nothing was known about the COVID 19 virus of the coronavirus family. But in a matter of days and weeks, the disease spread around the world and claimed the lives of thousands of people, which led to the need for quarantine measures and the ensuing crisis. The industry turned out to be particularly vulnerable during this period due to the fact that the majority of employees in the sector are directly employed in production, and work is often difficult or impossible to perform remotely, it is not always possible to ensure social distancing at workplaces in workshops, warehouses, and logistics. The work of many industrial enterprises had to be stopped, each day of downtime brought losses and was measured in millions of lost profits. The decline in industrial production is one of the reasons for the slowdown in economic growth. A shock in effective supply and demand, disruptions in value chains, and a decline in investment – all these factors have a negative impact on all areas of economic activity. As a unique phenomenon that has affected the global economy, the pandemic is of interest in terms of analyzing its consequences for individual regions and regions of the country, industries and activities. This article discusses in more detail the reflection of the coronavirus pandemic on the dynamics of socio-economic indicators of the Udmurt Republic and, in particular, at the industrial enterprises of the region, analyzes the main qualitative changes in people's lives. The main trends in the development of business and society are revealed, and fundamental approaches and actions to adapt to new realities are proposed.

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