
The paper presents the results of a linguistic study of ethnic stereotypes, which was conducted using the material of CNN publications posted on the English-language website in 2011-2022. The aim of the research is to determine the evaluative orientation of ethnic stereotypes that receive linguistic objectification in CNN articles and videos during the specified period. The scientific novelty of the work is determined by the fact that, based on the analysis of linguistic material, the evaluative characteristics of ethnic groups that have become the subject of description in the mass media have been identified and their typical behavior patterns have been verified. Using linguistic research methods, the authors of the paper have obtained scientifically confirmed data suggesting that the repeatability of assessments, including those explicated through keywords, forms a stereotype as a mental image and makes it accessible to the perception of a linguistic personality. The research findings show that the negative characteristics of ethnic groups were more frequently actualized in CNN materials during these years, which corresponds to the generally accepted scientific thesis about the predominance of negative assessments in heterostereotypes. Along with the successful interaction of representatives of different countries in such spheres of life as tourism, fashion, sports, the growth of interethnic tensions in political communication contributed to the formation of a negative image of “strangers” in the worldview of US citizens, as evidenced by value judgments recorded in linguistic form in the media texts.

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