
The construction of horizontal wells requires a more accurate prediction of the filtration and reservoir properties of the reservoir for operational correction of their trajectory. The practical significance and relevance of the work consists in substantiating the possibility of the fullest realization of the potential of production wells when drilling new areas on the Left Bank of the Astrakhan gas condensate field. The purpose of the study is to identify the correlation dependencies of watering zones and low porosity and permeability properties on geological factors and to form recommendations for the horizontal wells drilling. The watering of wells is analyzed depending on the position of drilled wells on the structural surface of the productive reservoir C2b, the duration of the period of "waterless" operation of wells, the period of watering and well operation. The features of the location of zones with low porosity and permeability properties of productive deposits are studied. According to the results of the conducted research, definitely: the high value of the water-gas factor and the rapid watering of production wells is due to the high opening marks of the productive horizon (above -3850 m) and zones of vertical fracturing; zones with low porosity and permeability properties of the productive reservoir C2b are confined along the roof of the salt strata P1kir to the deepest areas of salt swally. The following recommendations on the drilling of wells for the fullest realization of their potential have been formed: 1) in areas with a high or low location of the roof of the Bashkir horizon, it is advisable to drill wells with a horizontal profile; 2) when conducting horizontal wells in salt swally and getting into the zones of low porosity and permeability properties during the opening of the productive reservoir, it is necessary to consider the possibility of changing the azimuth in the direction of the side of the swally.

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