
The novelty and relevance of linguistic research in our time has long been dependent not on the novelty of the object of research, since during the development of linguistics as a science, there are practically no such linguistic phenomena that have not yet been the subject of study, but from a new approach, a fresh point of view, a desire to revise the system well-established concepts and information, giving unexpected and innovative results. This can be said about the monograph under review by A.M. Emirova “Russian phraseology in communicative and pragmatic coverage” (Simferopol: Scientific World Publishing House, 2020. 228 p.), which presents a global description of Russian idioms in a communicative-pragmatic aspect. Until now, the phraseological unit of the Russian language as a structurally-semantic complex object has not been considered comprehensively in terms of performing a communicative function — and this is the relevance of the work, its novelty and theoretical value. The researcher, in fact, created a new system for the analysis and description of idioms — communicative phraseology. The emergence of such a new direction can only be welcomed.

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