
The basic objective of this paper is to examine recent research trends of Korean Western History Academia. Western History Research in Korea has grown significantly over the past half century. However, from the beginning of the new millennium, this academic sector has not developed any further and is in a state of stagnation. Academic achievements, research foundations, and social influence have largely receded. In particular, the future of Western history Academia is not very bright due to the decrease in the number of researchers, especially of young generation.<BR> Currently, the academia of Western history is divided into mainly national boundary divisions. The fragmentation of the research center resulted in a lack of mutual communication, which led to the stagnation of Western history Studies. It is difficult to have academic dialogues between researchers and seek joint research by related fields. Excessive specialization in historical studies tends to block the new trend of historical studies, transnational or global histories. In the face of internal and external crises, Western historians in Korea will have to remove the barriers between academic fields and increase communication between researchers.

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