
In 1991, Ukraine got the opportunity to provide real content to the sovereignty proclaimed in 1918 and to acquire international political subjectivity. This had to be done in the context of a change in the political system inside the country and the world order outside. Whether it manages to do this will determine both its political future and the political configuration of Eastern Europe. Since late 1980 s, political positioning of Ukraine in Europe and in the world has passed several stages. The current one, which began in 2014, is far from complete, despite the constitutional entrenchment of its objectives. Its direction and duration depend primarily on, but not only on, Russian-Ukrainian relations. Their current status actualizes for Ukraine the task of finding strategic partners and allies. Ukraine has chosen its political position, which is unlikely to change soon. The interaction of Ukraine with other states of Eastern Europe in economic and social development in a mode of conjugate modernization not only does not exclude, but also implies sine qua non the appearance of other integration projects, besides the EU and the EAEU. Finding mutually acceptable political algorithms for such conjugation is one of the most pressing political tasks for Eastern Europe, Ukraine and all other states in this part of the world.

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