
Statement of the problem. The article analyzes the problem of studying special features in development of semantic reading in younger students with mental retardation. The purpose of the article is to analyze the maturity of skills in semantic processing of a reading text in younger schoolchildren with mental retardation from the standpoint of a multi-level organization of this process. The methodology of the study implies analysis and generalization of modern concepts, theories of leading Russian and foreign psychological and pedagogical studies in Correctional Pedagogy and Special Psychology. Research results. The results of the experimental study were analyzed. Significant components of semantic processing of a reading text were determined. Special features were revealed in the formation of perceptual and semantic skills, providing understanding of the subject-denotative, formal-linguistic and conceptual-evaluation levels of the text in younger students with mental retardation. Conclusion. The cases of impaired perception of the meaning of the text being read were studied; developmental levels of semantic text orientation, heterogeneity in individual sensory processing of the text, and dependence of semantic text processing upon technical reading characteristics were revealed.

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