
The papal arbitration for the peaceful settlement of the confrontation between Argentina and Chile from 1978 to 1984 in the Beagle Strait on the islands of Picton, Lennox, Nueva is investigated in the article. Achieving this goal involves solving the following research tasks: to investigate the causes of the Argentine-Chilean conflict; to analyze the peculiarities of the Argentine-Chilean confrontation; to study the procedure of papal arbitration during the reconciliation of Argentina and Chile (1978–1984). Research methods: in the article used philosophical (metaphysics and dialectics), general scientific (analysis and synthesis, induction and deduction, analogy and modeling) and historical (ideographic, periodization, historical-genetic, historical-comparative, historical-systemic) methods. The scientific novelty of the results of the study is in analyze the causes, features of the course and exacerbation of the conflict between Argentina and Chile in 1978 – 1984, and attempts to conduct a comprehensive study of the negotiations and peaceful settlement of the Argentine-Chilean conflict in the Beagle Strait through mediation of Vatican diplomats. The author concludes that the 1978 armed confrontation between Argentina and Chile was prevented by the timely intervention of Roman Pontiff John Paul II, who proposed to the leaders of Argentina and Chile personally arbitrate the conflict in the Beagle Strait. The Pope’s timely intervention helped preserve the fragile peace between the two neighboring countries, as well as the resumption of diplomatic negotiation between Argentina and Chile under Vatican mediation. As a result of lengthy negotiations, Vatican diplomats managed to persuade the governments of Argentina and Chile to conclude a peace agreement and reconcile the two Latin American countries. Also, in the article was noted that the Pope and the Catholic clergy in Chile and Argentina used public diplomacy to influence keep peace between two countries. The Catholic Church in Argentina and in Chile was aware of the importance of public opinion and used instruments of public pressure to reconcile Argentina and in Chile. For example, the Catholic clergy in Argentina and in Chile used the media (television, radio, and the press) to call for peace and reconciliation. The Church has also begun organizing peaceful rallies, pilgrimages, and special masses in both Argentina and Chile designed to form public support for peace efforts.

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