
Our knowledge on the operations to exterminate the PKI (Communist Party of Indonesia) in Indonesia after October 1, 1965 is still inadequate. We We estimate the number of victims of massacres to be between 500,000 and 1,000,000. We know that there were differences of timing and character of violence across regions, which can be attributed to the different compositions of the regional military commands and different political landscapes of the regions, in spite of the similarities in the pattern of violence. While the military played a role in encouraging and coordinating violence, civilian youth groups willingly participated in the massacres. This paper introduces the accumulated knowledge on the massacres since 1965 up until now. It sheds light on the problems of interpretations over the violence of 1965~66 - whether it can be both state violence and communal violence, how we can interpret civilian participation in the killings, whether the violence also includes persecutions against Chinese - from a perspective that accommodates experiences of perpetrators and victims in the field.

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