
According to the materials of the periodical press, this article focuses on the period of formation and development of the Warsaw Imperial University in the Don region, and covers in a temporary aspect, the very first in a new place and the most difficult academic year-1915-1916, with its scientific steps and organizational difficulties. The history of the transfer of such a high-ranking University to Rostov-on-Don allows us to reveal and, in fact, show a kind of order of functioning of the social system in the pre-revolutionary period and to understand the nature of the interaction of science and power. The city of Rostov-on-Don itself had undoubtedly received a ready-made higher education institution with its own Charter, curriculum and programs, library and research rooms. This, in turn, certainly facilitated and helped the newly admitted students to obtain higher historical education. However, after moving to Rostov-on-Don, the University immediately lost its grandiosity and pomp that it had had in Warsaw.

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