
Based on the study of official documents, the article examines the activities of the police of the Russian Empire in the mid 18th century during the reign of Elizabeth Petrovna. The Empress paid special attention to the improvement of the capital and other major cities, took measures to ensure the safety of residents, fought against barrel shops, drunkenness, begging and other anti-social phenomena. The police reforms carried out by the Empress Elizabeth Petrovna and the tasks assigned to the police were so diverse that it led to the fact that during her reign the police practically concentrated administrative, judicial and legislative powers.


  • Based on the study of official documents, the article examines the activities of the police of the Russian Empire in the mid 18th century during the reign of Elizabeth of Russia

  • The Empress paid special attention to the improvement of the capital and other major cities, took measures to ensure the safety of residents, fought against barrel shops, drunkenness, begging and other anti-social phenomena

  • The police reforms carried out by the Empress Elizabeth of Russia and the tasks assigned to the police were so diverse that it led to the fact that during her reign the police practically concentrated administrative, judicial and legislative powers

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По возвращении в Санкт-Петербург Елизавета Петровна в течение всей своей жизни особое внимание уделяла благоустройству, безопасности столицы и других городов империи под наблюдением полиции: 30 июля 1742 г. Елизавета Петровна утвердила указ (закон No 9511), данный Главной полицмейстерской канцелярии, «О построении от купечества каменнаго гостиннаго двора в Санктпетербурге и о взимании с лавок и погребов оброчных денег, на основании указа 1739 Ноября 9 дня»10. Елизавета Петровна утвердила объявленный дежурным генерал-адъютантом Бутурлиным Главной полицмейстерской канцелярии именной указ (закон No 9959) «О недержании медведей в городах»18.

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