
The article is dedicated to the Russian composer and pianist Alexander Nikolayevich Scriabin, whose anniversary is celebrated in 2022. The portrait of the musician is drawn from his own statements about his attitude to art and its transformative role, it is complemented by the testimonies of the composer's contemporaries, who closely communicated with him and were under the charm of his unique personality. The author concerns the performing manner of Scriabin, a pianist, which was inextricably linked with the constants of his compositional work, in which refinement and nervousness were combined with dramatic impulse and passion, as evidenced by Two Poems op. 32. These properties of the creative handwriting allowed the adherents of the revolution to call the musician its harbinger. In Soviet Russia, the recognition of the composer as a "prophet of the revolution" placed him among the "untouchables". Even during the terrible years of the persecution of cultural figures, his work was not disgraced, and Scriabin's later writings were characterized by nothing more than extremely individualistic and disconnected from reality. The composer's last piano opuses, far beyond the limits of musical traditionalism, were performed by outstanding pianists such as Sofronitsky, Yudina and Richter.

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