
The article contains material on the scientific activity and life path of a well-known scientist in the field of radiation safety, the first head of the laboratory of emergency and individual dosimetry, one of the developers of the first neutron dosimeter in the USSR. This publication is a historical review of materials from the collection of the Museum of the FMBTS. A.I.Burnazyan, the archive of the scientist’s family, printed publications, is of scientific interest because it holistically presents the life and scientific path of the famous scientist who gave 58 years of service to science within the walls of the Institute of Biophysics (now part of the A.I.Burnazyan FMBC) . The scientist made a great contribution to the formation of a new area of ​​science at the intersection of dosimetry, radiobiology and radiation medicine, named equidosimetry at his suggestion. The museum keeps the book of I.B.Keirim-Markus "Equidosimetry", where for the first time in the world scientific literature summarized materials on the main sections of equidosimetry, the history of its occurrence, tasks, criteria for assessing the effect of radiation, in particular in large doses, the values ​​of equidosimetry, methods and instruments for their measurement.

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