
This study aims to report a case of oculomotor nerve palsy with mydriasis improved by Sa-Am acupuncture (大腸正格). The patient visited our clinic due to Right oculomotor nerve palsy with symptoms such as periocular pain, diplopia, vertigo, ptosis, eye adduction disorder, and mydriasis on November 11th, 2019. For the treatment, Sa-Am acupuncture (大腸正格) which used to give a significant effect on eye diseases and headaches and to remove toxins from the body was performed every time the patient visited the clinic. About a month after the treatment, ptosis disappeared, and eye adduction disorder also changed from -2 to 2 points, showing a significant improvement. Subjective symptoms such as vertigo, diplopia, and eye pain also significantly decreased from 13 to 4 points. At the second month of treatment, the eye adduction disorder improved to a normal level, and subjective ocular discomforts disappeared. The pupil size decreased from 5 mm to 2.5 mm. After 3-4 months from the start of treatment, most of the symptoms including the light reflex returned to normal. After a total of 32 acupunctures treatment, subjective symptoms such as periocular pain, diplopia and vertigo, as well as ptosis and eye adduction disorder disappeared, and the pupil size, including the light reflex, also improved to the normal level.

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