
The paper presents the study of the influence of hydrogen enrichment of D1 aluminum alloy using the electrolytic method on the plastic flow localization. The study was carried out on the aluminum alloy samples before and after hydrogen addition using the three-electrode electrochemical cell. It is determined that hydrogen influences significantly the mechanical properties and plastic flow curves of the material under the study. The analysis of deformation curves staging showed the existence of the following stages of plastic flow: the stage of linear deformation hardening, the stage of parabolic deformation (Tailor) hardening and the stage of pre-destruction. To determine and visualize the zones of localized deformation, the authors used the method of digital speckle images correlation allowing getting the deformation quantitative characteristics, i.e. defining the displacement vector field in flat sample during the tension and then calculating the plastic distortion tensor components (the local stretching e xx , the shift e xy and the turn ω z ). When using this methodology in the process of sample loading, the images of deformation evolution and the character of its localization in a deformable sample at various stages of deformation hardening in the initial state and after hydrogen-saturation during 100 hours were determined. The information on the regularities of distribution of the fronts of plastic deformation localization within the material under the study is important for the detailed study of the process of aluminum alloys plastic flow. The study of this process allows predicting at the early stages the area of deformation neck formation and determining the place of future material destruction. Using the X-ray spectrographic microanalysis, the authors got the information on the existence of hardening intermetallic particles.

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