
The variety of spring turnip rape Medovaya is developed by a method of multiple individual selections from the variety Zolotistaya of VNIIMK breeding. In a competitive trial, the new variety exceeded the standard variety Zolotistaya by seed yield in average for three years by 0.21 t/ha. The variety Medovaya is distinguished with higher oil content in seeds exceeding the standard one by 0.3%. Also the new variety have low glucosinolate content in seeds – 13.5 µmol/g. Protein content in seeds of the variety Medovaya is similar to the same trait of the standard variety and equal to 23.72%. However, the summarized oil and protein contents in seeds of the new variety is higher by 1.9% comparing to the standard. The seeds of the variety Medovaya have homogenous yellow color. Thousand-seed weight is 3.0 g and is equal to the standard. The fatty-acid composition of oil corresponds to the demands to salad oils of high quality, having erucic acid content of 2.0%. Oil from the seeds of the variety Medovaya has optimal rate of ɷ-9 : ɷ-6 : ɷ-3 for the health human nutrition. A duration of a growing season of the new variety is 77 days; it is not differed of the standard variety. The short growing season allows cultivating spring turnip rape in regions where the other oil crops cannot realize their potential. So this crop can be a possible reserve to complete the resources of highly qualitative oil and fodder protein.

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