
The purpose of the study is to develop recommendations for rational smoke generation parameters that ensure the quality and environmental safety of smoked fish products. Objectives: to establish the influence of smoke generation parameters on the assessment of the carcinogenicity of smoked products; to evaluate the quality and safety of smoked products produced under optimal smoke generation parameters; to develop recommendations to ensure the quality and safety of smoked fish products. Research was carried out at the department of Management of Technical Systems at the Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education Dalrybvtuz (Vladivostok, Primorsky Region). The object of the study is the process of smoke generation. Analytical, physical and chemical methods, and mathematical modeling methods were used. To prepare smoke-drying smoke samples, 10 kg of alder sawdust with a moisture content of 30–35 % was prepared. Hot smoked smelt samples were obtained under optimal smoke generation conditions. The overall organoleptic index was 5. The content of individual polyaromatic hydrocarbons was: chrysene – 71 ng/kg; benz(a)anthracene – 70 ng/kg; benz(b)fluoranthene – 602 ng/kg; benz(a)pyrene – 64 ng/kg; benz(e)pyrene – 667 ng/kg; dibenz(a,c)anthracene – 57 ng/kg; dibenz(a,h)anthracene – 69 ng/kg, which corresponds to a generalized quality index of 0.99 (very good). During the study, the influence of smoke generation parameters on the assessment of the carcinogenicity of smoked fish products was established, and the dependence of the content of individual polyaromatic hydrocarbons on the excess air coefficient in the smoke generation zone was confirmed. Optimal smoke generation modes: smoke generation temperature 475 °C, excess air coefficient – 0.4. Rational smoke generation parameters: smoke generation temperature 450–500 °C, excess air coefficient – 0.3–0.6.

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