
Praise be to Allah and His considerate Prophet (Peace and Blessing of Allah be upon Him), Allah bestowed me to complete this study entitled: "Jurisprudence of Dawa "Islamic Call" through the Meccan Stage". The study has been divided into enquiries, through this study, the researcher finds out that there are problems need to shed light on them, the most important of which are: the new events in reality of Dawaa "Islamic Call" which is are due to separation of the past from the present. The problem of this study lies in the fact that the Dawa "Islamic Call" requires jurisprudence 'Fiqh' that accompanies today' situation, it is prerequite to return to jurisprudence of Dawa "Islamic Call" in Meccan era.
 The study employed the descriptive, method, the limits are represented in the Meccan Stage, before the emigration of Prophet Mohamed (Peace and Blessing of Allah be upon Him) to the holy madina.
 The study achieved many important results: the Dawa "Islamic Call" requires a good knowledge of jurisprudence. The sequence of Dawa "Islamic Call" with callers leads people to refrain from their interest in the Meccan Stage. Carefulness and caution practiced in mecca at the beginning of Dawaa "Islamic Cal" is necessary even today. The study concludes with number of recommendations. The most important are: it is necessary to return to Quranic sequence that take the callers gradually. The Dawa scholars should follow the secret, informative and obvious stage throughout the time.

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