
Intertextuality is considered an important pattern in the structure of the modern Arabic poem due to its great effect on the aesthetic formation of the poetic speech. This research shows examples of intertextuality employed by Mu’een Bseiso in his poetic works, which include religious, mythical, literary, historical, and folkloric intertextuality. The research also aims at analyzing these examples of intertextuality linguistically to illustrate the poetic experience of the author at the personal, national and humanitarian dimensions, as well as to display the implicit clues found in his Language, style and imagery. Not only does this study analyze the texts under discussion explicitly or implicitly, but the researcher unveils the source of the poetic text, its existence and uniqueness, and how these elements present themselves interactively. The researcher reached the following conclusions. The poet was one of the Palestinian poets patiently holding to the ember of the Palestinian revolution and the humanistic salvation towards expressing the real situation that the nation lives these days, and expressing the crisis of the Palestinian people and their just humanitarian cause as well as liberation from the occupation, in addition to criticizing the frauds of forging facts in a form of poetry that is called the “poetry of truth” through employing several linguistic and rhetorical devices.

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