
The aim of the work is to identify Renaissance periods in the history of Ukrainian art culture beginning with the times of Kyivan Rus’ and ending with the twentieth century. The research methodology lies in the fact of applying the principle of historicism, which is used to identify periods of Renaissance sense in the history of art of Ukraine; the typological method is used to establish the typological features of the Renaissance in the history of Ukrainian art. The scientific novelty of the research is that the concept of the Ukrainian Renaissance, which has developed in the system of national humanities, has been further developed; Renaissance periods of the history of Ukrainian art culture have been identified; periodization has been carried out and general trends of the historical development of Ukrainian art have been identified from the point of view of the demonstration of the system of typological features of the Renaissance. Conclusions. The given analysis of historical periods from Kyivan Rus’ to the twentieth century shows that the history of Ukraine in each period has a system of typological features of the Renaissance: a system of ideals; (the cult of the state, man, mind, beauty and nature); a system of symbols and images (antique, сossack-chivalrous, religious, folkloric); a system of oppositions (freedom – captivity, foreign – national, nation – power, oppression – growth, unity – diversity, optimism – tragedy). In most periods, there are oppositions: secular – ecclesiastical, unity of faith – confessional. The “order – freedom” opposition is united by two periods – Kyivan Rus and Zaporizhian sich; the “man – God” and “down-to-earth – heavenly” oppositions belong to the period of the national liberation struggle. Analysis of the periodization of the history of Ukraine allows us to identify the periods of the historical cycle. The era of Kyivan Rus corresponds to the stage of maturity, the period of the Principality of Galicia-Volhynia corresponds to crisis, the period of foreign domination as a part of The Grand Duchy of Lithuania,the Crown of the Kingdom of Poland and the Polish–Lithuanian Commonwealth corresponds to decline, the period of the national liberation struggle corresponds to formation, and the national cultural revival corresponds to maturity. Thus, there is a closure of the historical cycle, which is based on periods with Renaissance signs, which gives Ukrainian history a renaissance character.

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