
In this study, these officetels are one of the mixed-use buildings that well reflect the pluralistic and complex characteristics of the current society, and are being constructed particularly remarkably. Recognizing that it is a suitable type of housing, we propose that it is a downtown residential space that can accommodate the new demand class of 'one-two-person households', and seek the basis for planning directions and guidelines for 'officetel'. In this process, through conceptual analysis on the characteristics and lifestyle changes of consumers, literature research and case studies centered on 'officetel', and demand for residential space of consumers and experts' recognition of the importance of residential elements, It was intended to derive research results on officetels. Through this study, it is expected that the foundation will be prepared that can be used in the design of regional officetels reflecting the propensities of planning elements centered on users and experts with high quality satisfaction in the future.
 The scope of the study was spatially and temporally limited to single-block buildings among officetels built after 2000 in the Daegu area. This is because, with the exception of the strengthening of regulations on officetels in 2004, regulations are being eased, and the recently built facilities reflect the diverse needs of modern people as much as possible.

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