
تسععععع هععععع الدراسععععع لتسععععع الضععععع ع ععععع مععععع ععععع ي بععععععع النسععععع اإلسالم (؛ ل ت عن کثب عن طب ته ، وتح ي ه من الداخل، والکشف عن ص ته ب لفک النس ي الغ بي من خالل مح ور عدة - تت س المقدم والخ تم - تشمل الحديث عن مفه مه ، وأص له الف سف ، ونم ذج لق ا ات ب ت عنه ، ثم ب ن أوجه الص واالختال بينه وبين النس الغ ب . Abstract Islamic feminism and its relevance to western feminist thought This study seeks to shed light on what is known as Islamic feminism; to know more closely about its nature, to analyze it from within, and to uncover its relevance to western feminist thought through several axes - the middle of the introduction and the conclusion - including the discussion of its concept, its philosophical origins, And then to explain relevance and differences between them and Western feminism.

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