
Soldatkina Anastasiya Vladimirovna The article attempts to trace the influence of the grotesque satire on the work of Vladimir Vysotsky and clarify functions of satirical grotesque in his poetry. For this it is given a general definition of the grotesque as an artistic category, and it is considered a separate kind - a satirical grotesque. It turns out the function of the grotesque satire in the literature in general. It is discussed the poetry of Vysotsky, where the reception is found. It is revealed the feature of satirical grotesque in each individual poem (song) by Vysotsky. It is taken into account observations and opinions of various researchers regarding the importance of the satirical grotesque in these texts. The article provides a brief comparative analysis of the grotesque songs by Vysotsky with individual works of Gogol and Mayakovsky. It is noted the impact of painting Salvador Dali on the creative consciousness of Vysotsky. Grotesque «Ballad of dummies» is compared with prosaic textual basis for this song prepared for the film «Escape of Mr. McKinley» Michael Schweitzer. In particular, it identifies the role between the «Herbarium» and comedy Mayakovsky>s «Bug». In this article the author is based on the observation of S.S. Shaulova, considering others, related to «Herbarium» by Vysotsky. Mayakovsky poems are revealed, which could serve as a possible source of the grotesque situation in the «Herbarium». Key words : Vysotsky, satirical grotesque, poetics.

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