
Acute tonsillopharyngitis (OTP) is an acute infectious inflammation of the mucous membrane and lymphadenoid structures of the oropharynx of viral, bacterial, fungal etiology, is one of the most common diseases in the outpatient practice of a doctor. Due to the frequent irrational use of systemic antibacterial drugs along with the growth of resistance of bacterial pathogens to them, drugs for local therapy attract special attention. In accordance with the clinical guidelines for the treatment of OTP with severe sore throat, taking into account the need, tolerability and age of the patient, the use of topical drugs, in particular, hexetidine and benzydamine, is recommended. Hexetidine (Gelangin®) should be used as a local therapy for OTP of mixed etiology, characterized by mild sore throat, perspiration, unexpressed infiltration and redness of the mucous membrane of the pharynx and tonsils. The action of hexetidine is most effective in the initial disease before the development of a pronounced inflammatory reaction of tissues (the first 3–5 days of treatment). Benzydamine (Angidac®) as a drug of complex anti-inflammatory, analgesic and antimicrobial action has advantages in the stage of expanded inflammation after the penetration of microorganisms into tissues, it is advisable to use it for any etiology of acute OTP, especially with severe sore throat, accompanied by phenomena of severe infiltration and hyperemia of the tissues of the affected area. The combined use of drugs should be justified by the need to obtain a summation of effects.

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