
The purpose of the article is to highlight the results of the analysis of organizational and economic transformations in the process of carrying out the agrarian reform and to draw the attention of scientists, government officials, and society to the urgency of solving the problem of improving the agrarian system of Ukraine. Research methods. During the research, the following methods were used: abstract-logical (to determine the essence of the agrarian system, the generalization of the organizational and economic transformations processes during the agrarian reform, the formation of conclusions); economic and statistical (to analyze the results of improving the agrarian structure) comparative analysis (to determine the positives and negatives of organizational and economic transformations in agriculture of the world countries and in Ukraine). Research results. During the process of agricultural transformation analyzing in 2000-2018, it was revealed that by 2010, instead of the state collective agrarian system in Ukraine, a private-lease agrarian system has been formed, the characteristic features of which are private ownership of land, property, and results of activities, lease land relations and the multiformity of organizational and legal forms of market management. As a result, the production and export of agricultural products increased significantly. However, in the future, a latifundist structure began to form in the agriculture of Ukraine due to the concentration of farmland for the use of vertically integrated agricultural holding groups, in general, it has a positive effect on the development of agricultural production. However, such a system carries the threat of landlessness of peasants and the spread of semi-feudal forms of agricultural land lease. It does not contribute to the rural communities' development and improves the living standards of rural residents, for most of whom agricultural and related activities are the main source of their own income and revenues to local budgets. Scientific novelty. The essence and definition of the concept "agrarian system" are substantiated. For the first time, it was concluded that as a result of agrarian organizational and economic transformations in Ukraine a private-lease agrarian system was formed, its positive aspects and threats were systematized. Scientific provisions and recommendations for the continuation of agrarian reform for the formation of an agrarian system aimed at the integrated (balanced) development of agriculture, rural communities, and territories have been further developed. Practical significance. The results of the study can be used by scientists, government officials, and practitioners to solve the problem of national importance - improving the agricultural system of Ukraine. Tabl.: 4. Figs.: 1. Refs.: 16.

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