
Purpose: based on the analysis of competitive activity to establish the technical and tactical arsenal of professional sumo wrestlers. Material and methods. To solve the problems of the study, the following methods were used: analysis of scientific and methodological information and Internet networks, generalization of best practices, analysis of protocols and video recordings of professional sumo wrestlers, method of mathematical statistics. The 290 fights of the June 2022 tournament of the highest division of Makuuti, which took place in Nagoya (Japan), were analyzed. Results: based on the analysis of scientific and methodological information, Internet sources and generalization of best practices, it was found that the problem of analyzing competitive activity and determining the main technical and tactical actions of sumo wrestlers is relevant for the study. The analysis of the competitive activity of professional sumo wrestlers at the June 2022 tournament of the highest division of Makuuti made it possible to identify 25 main technical and tactical actions (TTD) that are most often used: Oshidashi (23,89 % of all TTD), Yorikiri (22,79 %), Hatakikomi (11,39 %), Tsukiotoshi (5,51 %), Tsukiidashi (4,77 %), Uwatenage (4,41 %), hikiotoshi (4,04 %), okuridashi (3,68 %), oshitaoshi (3,31 %), yoritaoshi (2,57 %), kotenage (2,21 %), uwatenedashinage (1,84 %), shitatenage (1,84 %), tottari (1,47 %), asitori (1,10 %), abisetaoshi (0,74 %), watashikome (0,74 %), kimedashi (0,74 %), sukuinage (0,74 %), hikakke (0,37 %), sotogake (0,37 %), kubihineri (0,37 %), kekayeshi (0,37 %), katasukashi (0,37 %), kakenage (0,37 %). Conclusions. It was found that professional sumo wrestlers used only 31,25 % of technical and tactical actions from the entire arsenal of sumo wrestling. Most of all, sumo wrestlers performed technical and tactical actions from the classification group of kihonwaza (86 % of all techniques included in this classification group), then from nagete (46 %), tokushuwaza (29 %), kakete (22 %) and hinerite (21 %). No technical and tactical actions were carried out in the Sorite classification group. The obtained data indicate the importance of technical and tactical preparedness of athletes as a factor determining the success in sumo wrestling.

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