
The article deals with one of the directions of reforming the education system of Ukraine – the introduction of integrated education into various types of educational institutions. The definition of “integrated training” is given, the conditions listed, which the integration process must meet. One of the types of integrated training is characterized – integrated design and thematic training, the preconditions for its emergence. The listed positions of the leading teachers and psychologists of the world, which formed the basis of modern integrated design and thematic training. The indicated programs for the study of students in general education institutions, the future teachers in higher education institutions and the improvement of professional qualifications of working teachers, based on the idea of integrated training. The peculiarities of organization of integrated design-thematic training in the general educational institution are characterized. The definition of the concepts “horizontal” and “vertical” integration is given. As an example, an integrated thematic project for a comprehensive educational institution on the topic “Tree of the school yard”, an integration function in which the discipline “Natural science” and its notion “trees” perform. Listed academic disciplines whose content is integrated in the implementation of this project, as well as knowledge and skills that are formed in the students. The peculiarities of organization of the training process in the system of vocational education in the present conditions and the possibility of applying integrated design and thematic training in the institutions of vocational education in the process of preparation of skilled workers are considered. An example of an integrated thematic project for the establishment of vocational education in the preparation of skilled workers from the profession “Tailor” is given 2 – 3 categories according to the standards of the new generation. The integration function of the system of vocational education is carried out by the industrial training, the disciplines whose content is to be integrated in the framework of this project are technology, equipment, material science, economics, information technology, special drawing, labor protection. The advantages of integrated design-thematic training are defined.

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