
The article contains the review of the International scientific-practical conference “Private International Law in Global World” devoted to the 90th anniversary of the birth of O. N. Sadikov, classic of the Russian civil law, Doctor of Law, Professor, honoured worker of science of the Russian Federation, which took place on November, 18, 2015 in the Institute of Legislation and Comparative Law under the Government of the Russian Federation. The members of the working group on amendments to Chapter 3 of the Civil Code of Russian Federation, top scientists, representatives of the academic community and leading higher educational establishments, legal practitioners, arbiters of International Commercial Arbitration Court at the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of the Russian Federation, academics from the former Soviet Union and elsewhere took part in the conference. A wide scope of common and special questions was discussed during the conference: exploration of the development trends in the private international law such as unification and self-governing; the results of the renewal of Section VI “Private International Law” of Chapter 3 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation as well as the amendments to foreign legislative acts on private international law; the problems of legal regulation of several institutes of private international law, concerning, for example, the status of legal entities, proprietary relations, competitive relations under the conditions of globalization of the world economic cooperation, conflict-of-law rules according to pre-contractual relations, ruling of international jurisdiction in international property matters, etc.; settlement of the problem of foreign state’s immunity.

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