
We see that the statesman and public figure Nazir Torekulov is working in all spheres of public and political life, thereby, ultimately, making attempts to achieve our national independence. Today we must say with great pride that N.Torekulov was the first professional, qualified diplomat, ambassador of Kazakh origin, and his name was recognized and highly appreciated internationally at that time, during his lifetime. Nazir Torekulov suffered a cruel and cruel fate, in which his pain and dignity went hand in hand. Looking at his life path, we see that at all stages of his social and political activities, he first strives for selfless help to his nation, his native people. To this end, he also engaged in science, literature and journalism, picking up a pen. Thanks to this, he wrote many valuable things for Kazakh literature and art, for Kazakh language science and the press, in a word, for Kazakh history and spirituality in general.

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