
The article examines the issue of employment of persons sentenced to imprisonment. In the modern criminal law of Ukraine, the order and conditions of employment of persons sentenced to imprisonment are established in such a way that they hardly differ from the order and conditions of work of other citizens who work at enterprises of various forms of ownership. However, the work of convicts in penal institutions is significantly different from the work performed by ordinary workers. Thanks to the involvement of convicts in work in combination with other means (the regime of serving the sentence, social and educational work, etc.), it is possible to achieve positive changes in the personality of the convict, which are a real possibility in the future in the direction of adaptation to life after release from serving the sentence. Community service is one of the most effective means of correction and resocialization of convicts. The analysis of scientific publications concerning the labor use of convicts before deprivation of liberty, in the vast majority, indicates international approaches to this problem, that is, convicts can be involved in work for the purpose of correction and acquisition of certain skills, and not for the purpose of compensating for material losses, moral damage to persons, victims from crimes, or profit making by enterprises of penal institutions. Reasoned reformation of the normative and legal principles of the labor use of convicts in places of deprivation of liberty, changes in approaches to the regulation and organization of the work of convicts during the execution and serving of punishment, can contribute to improving the situation in the direction of the implementation of such a means of resocialization as the labor of convicts. In addition, taking into account by the administration of the institution of execution of punishments the special characteristics of convicts can be useful in the process of labor utilization of convicts. Key words: sentenced to imprisonment, right to work, labor exploitation, correction and resocialization.

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