
Objectives The purpose of this study is to derive implications for art education by examining the impact of changes in the media environment caused by the development of science and technology on art based on metaphors and analogies. Methods To explore academic achievements such as artificial intelligence, media, cognitive psychology, symbols, curriculum, etc., interdisciplinary research is conducted as a literature study. Results Though metaphor and classification boty begin by capturing, similarities, classification by analogy helps to identify the macroscopic world by excluding differences, and that results in species reduction, which in turn ensures pattern identification and generality. On the other hand, metaphors describe the abstract world by juxtaposing two different things, thereby opening up various possibilities so that the individual world on the entity could spread in various forms. In addition, metaphors can be used to describe different facets of emotions in detail and delicacy, helping to understand the world of others. As such, art based on metaphors and analogies can be a world where contradictory worlds and approaches overlap and coexist. Conclusions Just as cutting-edge science and technology are moving toward the macro world and the micro world at the same time, efforts should be made to cultivate the vision and capabilities to look at the two worlds at the same time, rather than focusing on one side of the world, where education is also superficially perceived.

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