
The data of studies of fish populations in the basin of the Baidaratayakha river, received in 1998, 2002, 2013, 2014 are summarized for the first time. 18 species of fish are noted. Most of them belong to commercial and valuable species. The greatest species diversity is characteristic of the lower reaches of the river. In deep lakes and sections of the river near these lakes the density of fishes is higher. Scantiness of the fish population of river sites is due to the fact that most of the riverbeds in winter freeze. For this reason, there is no common minnow in the rivers. In most of the tundra non-riverine lakes that dominate among the waterbodies of the basin, there are no fish due to their shallow water and freezing. Some lakes of the lower reaches of the Baidaratayakha river are inhabited by fish only in summer (Asian smelt for breeding and whitefish for feeding). In some lakes, residential groupings (whitefish and pike) are formed. The estuary is used for feeding of whitefish from the Yuribey river and migrants from various regions of the Kara Sea (Arctic char, pink salmon, omul). The omul remains for the wintering in the estuary, most of the other whitefish return to the Yuribey river. The number of populations of residential forms of fish in most lakes is low due to low fish productivity and poaching. To preserve the resources of valuable fish species, it is proposed to include into the existing reserve Gornohadatinsky section of the upper and middle course of the Baidaratayakha river, where there are lakes that provide a reserve of grayling, and spawning grounds for the reproduction of arctic char and pink salmon.

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